8 Simple Hacks to Having the Best Sleep Of Your Life

Have you EVER heard anyone say “I get too much sleep.”?

Nobody, I bet.

We live in a “go-go-go” world. We might not all live in the city that never sleeps, but we all pretty much live in a world that doesn’t.

I believe that becoming and being our best, is the best thing we can do for ourselves and everyone.

Becoming our best however is hard work and requires great mental, emotional and spiritual strength.

Sleep, aside from good nutrition, is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and may be the greatest help to our well-being and our becoming our best. When we get regular good sleep, our entire body, mind, and soul are positioned for optimal performance. When we have GOOD sleep, we win, our loved ones win, our work, our world wins. Without regular and better sleep, we can’t work, love, learn, lead or function properly. Everyone wins when we sleep better and longer.

I NEVER do new year’s resolutions. But if I were to make one, it would be to sleep better and longer.

So here’s everything I do and use for the best sleep possible:

  1. No technology after 8 or even earlier. Screens (TV and phones) screw up our brains. The light tricks our brains into thinking its daytime which makes our bodies produce hormones to keep us up. Even if we fall asleep more easily in front of a screen, we actually get worse sleep because our bodies are confused when they’re sleeping and don’t go into deep sleep. You should aim to stop looking at screens 2 hours before bed says Shawn Stevenson.
  2. Blue light filter glasses – If you HAVE to look at a screen before bed, use these. When you look into peoples homes (don’t lie), you might notice that the color is always blue. Blue light is the strongest light from screens and the one that really screws up your sleep system. Use blue light blocking glasses to help you get to sleep.
  3. Diabetes socks – Apparently, wearing socks in bed is actually one of the best things you can do to help you sleep. Ask people that do this and they’ll swear by it. You want your socks though to be loose though so get diabetes socks!
  4. Blackout Curtains – This may or may not be obvious, but light keeps you up. Make sure to block all that light with good curtains. Shawn Stevenson says you shouldn’t be able to see your hand in front of you when you’re going to bed.
  5. Chamomile Tea – Chamomile tea has been forever regarded as the sleepy tea. Don’t take pills, just drink tea!
  6. White Noise Machine – You know it’s hard to concentrate or study when it’s TOO quiet? Same goes for sleep. Get a white noise machine to make dat ambience to put you to sleep.
  7. Kindle – Read, don’t surf or watch before bed. Because it has a back-light and all you have to do is click the right side of the screen, the kindle is perfect for reading in the dark in bed.
  8. A good book – Make sure to have a good book to read so you look forward to going to bed reading rather than wanting to watch TV or go through Instagram.

Ted Mosby’s mom said that nothing good happens after 2am. I’d argue nothing good happens after 9, so why not try and sleep then!

I wish you the absolute best sleep you’ve ever had tonight and every day to come!

PS: I do not benefit if you purchase any of the items above. They’re simply the items I personally use (except the curtains, I have thick blue ones from IKEA).

Top Resources:

Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson

My mom

Photo by Lauren Kay on Unsplash

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