Raise Your Performance and

Reach Your Goals.

Are you tired and burdened by the weight of your vision and the lack of progress?
Every worthwhile goal in life and work requires more than a desire and time. It requires an uncompromising resolve, a strategic plan, a relentless pursuit, and a united team.

The Problem

You have goals. You have a desire, a vision or a purpose for something more. You have something inside you that wants to do something great.

But something or someone keeps getting in the way.

If you’re honest, you know that something, that someone, is you.

The Obstacle and Solution

What usually happens when you set a goal?

-You get distracted.
-You psyche yourself out.
-You choose comfort over conflict.
-You apply the principles you learned in one area to an unrelated one.
-You let fear sink in
-You listen to people who don’t want you to change or succeed
-You choose security over success

But what every business case study and personal story confirms is that success starts and is sustained by the people.

You may be the greatest obstacle to to your goals, but you are also the answer.

You Can Be An Outlier

Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers: The Story of Success, reveals how,

“Success is a function of persistence and doggeness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds.”

Too many people choose to give up instead of grinding it out. They choose to forfeit than to go forward, however slowly and uncomfortably.

Truly successful people know that Rome was not built in a day and that it takes a village to raise a child.

In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins, a simple hobbit accomplishes the greatest feat in all of Middle Earth history: he resists the ring and relinquishes its power.

Did he do it by himself? No, he did it with a team.

More than anyone throughout the entire journey, it was his friend Samwise Gamgee, another hobbit, who encouraged and helped Frodo toward the finish line.

I can be your Samwise.

Let's work together to:

Make A Plan

One of the greatest barriers to achieving one’s goals is the absence of a strategic and specific plan. Together let’s set performance targets according to your life and goals.

Maximize Your Strengths

Your genetic code, upbringing,  experiences and education have developed within you a unique set of strengths. Together let’s refine and optimize your gifts so they work for you.

Manage your Limitations

No one wants to talk about it— but with every strength comes a corresponding weakness. Learn to manage and minimize their impact on you and your progress.

Let's Talk.

Just fill in your name and email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can to set up a time to connect. Feel free to tell me a little bit about yourself or tell me later. 
You can also write me directly at hello @ ryanlui.com
Look forward to connecting!