Beware of These 27 Damaging Binaries Based on the Enneagram Types

If you appreciate the Enneagram, you will likely agree that the polarization of issues is unhelpful and even harmful to us individually and societally. Thinking that there are only two sides to an issue creates debates versus dialogues, combat versus conversations, and arguments over agreements. It’s hard to come to any harmony, unity, peace—if there are only two sides. And each of us will stick to certain binaries based on the Enneagram types we are strongest in.

It’s not our fault, however. Humans naturally divide things into two. Psychologists call this binary bias[1]. We finite beings with limited brains can’t help but want to simplify complex issues into two categories. It’s why a solution to climate change, an extremely grey issue, is so hard to find[2].

All of us categorize things into two. We all, at times, simply things by making them into binaries. And our Enneagram type will likely determine the categories or binaries that we sort things into. Here is a list of 27 damaging binaries based on the Enneagram Types that we all make, and need to stop making.


Type 1 Binaries

Right Vs. Wrong

Good Vs. Evil

Spiritual Vs. Secular


Type 2 Binaries

Selfish Vs. Selfless

Give Vs. Take

Helpful Vs. Useless


Type 3 Binaries

Productive Vs. Unproductive

Winner Vs. Loser

Success Vs. Failure


Type 4 Binaries

Meaningful Vs. Meaningless

Beautiful Vs. Ugly

Full Vs. Empty


Type 5 Binaries

Smart Vs. Stupid

Logical Vs. Irrational

True Vs. False


Type 6 Binaries

Safe Vs. Dangerous

Stable Vs. Rocky

Dependable Vs. Uncertain


Type 7 Binaries

Happy Vs. Sad

Fun Vs. Boring

Meaningful Vs. Meaningless


Type 8 Binaries

Good Vs. Evil

Innocent Vs. Oppressor

Strong Vs. Weak


Type 9 Binaries

Selfless Vs. Selfish

Peace Vs. Conflict

Urgent Vs. Non-Urgent

Related: How To Be a Better Leader


Do you know your Enneagram Type and your binaries?

Depending on your Enneagram profile (what type you are and how strong all the other types are in you), you will favor specific binaries more than others. You likely categorize most things into your type’s preferred binaries, but you may also have learned to develop the binaries of your type’s Rich and Relaxed types, your family’s, or your culture’s type (e.g., American is generally considered an Enneagram 3 culture)

By understanding your Enneagram type and its tendencies, you can more quickly and effectively crush your binary bias and think through issues well and wisely. This is not to say that there is no such thing as good or evil, or that any of the things above do not exist. I am not saying that Marie Kondo’s advice is wrong. But I am saying that maybe everything cannot be categorized as things that spark joy and things that do not. Things, life, people, cannot be so simply categorized into either 1 category or another.

People are complicated. The world is complicated. And the only way to live with complicated people in a complicated world is by resisting the natural impulse to simplify everyone and everything, embrace ambiguity and complexity, and start thinking well and wisely.

What binaries do you struggle most with? How might they be hindering you from experiencing a richer life?

Find out your Enneagram type here.



[1] Adam M. Grant, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know (New York: Viking, 2021), 165.

[2] Ibid., 173.

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